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Porcupine Mountains State Park
Upper Peninsula, MI

URL: http://www.porkies.com/

While planning this trip, we heard a gory story about a man found dead in one of the campsites on the trail we planned to hike. It turned out to be true.

A close family friend, who also happens to be a park ranger who used to work in the Porkies, was one of the two men who found the body. While it was not immediately clear how the man died, it was obvious he had been visited by bears, post mortem. This was to be a foreshadowing of our own futures...

Okay, so it's not as dramatic as it sounds, but we did have to chase two separate black bears out of two separate camp sites. Well, okay, they chased us out of the camp sites, but we did get away with all of our gear, and most importantly our food. The rangers were impressed by that fact.


From Matt, from David, and from Teddy...

Coming Soon!


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